Thursday, August 24, 2006

Food for thought

"If we are not teaching people how to be saved, it is perhaps because we have forgotten the tragedy of being lost! If we're not teaching the message of forgiveness, it may be because we don't remember what it was like to be guilty. And if we're not preaching the cross, it could be that we've subconsciously decided that--God forbid--somehow we don't need it."
"Oh, but how quickly we forget. So much happens through the years...We don't turn away from him...we just don't take him with us. Assignments come. Promotions come. Budgets are made. Kids are born, and the Christ...the Christ is forgotten.
Has is been a while since you stared at the heavens in speechless amazement? Has it been a while since you realized God's divinity and your carnality?
If it has, then you need to know something. He is still there. He hasn't left. Under all those papers and books and reports and years. In the midst of all those voices and faces and memories and pictures, he is still there." What's keeping you back from accepting him? From turning back to Him? He's still there, just waiting for you to call on Him.

From Six Hours One Friday, by Max Lucado.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Charles Spurgeon--Grace & Power

Grace & Power--this is the title of the book I am now slowly working through, by Charles Spurgeon. Wow. If you want solid doctrine and "to the point theology", this is the book to read! What a blessing it would have been to be under his teaching, to hear him preach in London back in the day! Even so, just reading his writings and sermons is so refreshing! Here are some parts of the book:
He is writing regarding Acts 15:11, which says "We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved in the same manner as they." Peter and Paul were talking to Christian Jews in Jerusalem after Paul had already been converted--and he tells them they they, the Jews, would be saved in the same way as Gentiles who had lived sinful lives. Spurgeon says, correctly, that
there is the same pardon for all!
"The elite of society are born with hearts as bad and as black as the poorest of the poor. Sons of Christian parents, do no imagine, because you spring from a godly ancestry, that your nature is not polluted like the nature of others. In this respect, we are all alike: we are born in sin (Ps. 51:5), are 'dead in trespasses and sins' (Eph. 2:1), and are 'by nature children of wrath'(v.3)...God takes not of heart sin as well as hand sin."
There is only one way for all!
"Can you catch the idea and make it your own? When artists have drawn pictures of the apostles, they have often put halos around their heads, much like a brass pan or something of the kind, as if to siginfy that they were some particular and special saints. But in reality, there was no such halo there; the painter is far from the fact. Seriously and thoughtfully, we say that twelve souls picked from the scum of creation (any 12 people in our contemporary surroundings, whether a good, moral person, or the recovering drug-addict, or the child abuser) who look to Christ shall be saved, even as the twelve apostles are saved. Halo or no halo, they will join in the same hallelujah to God and the Lamb."
THIS is what grace is--THIS is what unconditional grace means--God rescues all of us, and "We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we (you and me) shall be saved in the same manner as they."

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Now, sound-bites on our blog!

That's right folks, you can check back now once in a while to hear us speaking! It's true! In fact,in our first audio-blog, Noah says hello to all those listening! Why not check it out? Keep in touch!
Ben, for all of us.

Noah says hello!