Monday, August 22, 2016

The Golden Circle

This post started as a clarification for myself and my ministry at TEAM, but it turns out it might be helpful for you to read as well. I hope it helps give a clearer understanding of the strategic role Creation Care/Environmental Missions plays in the growth of the Kingdom (Mt. 16:18). God IS building His Church, and the gates of hell will NOT prevail against it!

WHY: We believe caring for creation from a biblical perspective will restore people and their environment into flourishing, sustainable, Christ-centered communities.
HOW: Driven by our belief, we work with communities at a grassroots level, developing culturally appropriate solutions with local stakeholders and resources.
WHAT: We do this through a variety of projects and partnerships with churches, communities, and other effective NGO's.

What do these projects look like? Some are quite simple, others are more technical, but they all have one thing in common: to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in a practical way that will restore people's lives, land, and help their communities flourish in a way that reflects Christ and demonstrates the reconciliation Paul writes about in Romans 8:19-22 and Colossians 1:18-20. So, the projects are many and varied, but they involve aquaponics, agroforestry initiatives, eco-tourism trips, sustainable agriculture efforts, reforestation efforts, micro-enterprise development, urban gardening, appropriate technologies, recycling, water purification, well-drilling, and many more.

I hope this helps clarify things for you as much as it did for me. What a privilege to serve our great God through these Creation Care efforts!! As always, if you have questions or want to chat, feel free to email me!

Monday, August 08, 2016

What? Trees talk?

Of COURSE our God would create trees and forests to talk among themselves...why not?? Amazing discoveries science is making--I believe it just shows how creative God is, and how important it is that we understand our stewardship mandate!