Monday, November 21, 2005

Thanksgiving is upon us!

Hello all! Thanksgiving Break is here this week! A friend of mine is going to help me (actually, he’ll be teaching me) redo our front porch—the roof is rotting through, and we’re also going to screen it in.
Our baby boy is still growing strong, Becky’s carrying a bowling ball, well, actually, a basketball, around. She’s anxious to have this baby soon…I mean, wouldn’t you be uncomfortable carrying a basketball around and your belly for this long too? I know that some people are actually used to that though… (
Classes are going well for me, Ben, I’m really enjoying them and feeling refreshed by what I’m learning. Our God is an amazing God, I will tell you that. This year I am thankful that His Word is like a hidden treasure, always finding new things we can cherish and learn from.
Keep in touch people! Email us sometime, a link is on the right side of this screen. Much love,
Ben & Becky.

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