Saturday, September 18, 2010


Our church has begun the 40 days of prayer and fasting for us and several other missionaries trying to raise support to get to the field for the first time. It has been so encouraging to have the support of our church body and so many of you who have committed to praying for God to move in people’s hearts and get us to Brazil. God is showing His faithfulness and His plans to us, keeping us focused on the goal He has called us to: equipping and sending Brazilian missionaries. Jesus told His Church to ask the Lord to send laborers into the harvest…we are ready to go to the Harvest; now, may His Church ask for us to GET to the harvest! Right now we are waiting on God’s  timing. Will you continue to pray that God would make this time soon? We often hear from our Brazilian brothers and sisters: “So, when are you guys coming for good? ” And we have to answer that we wish could have been there yesterday, but we are waiting for the Lord to use His Church to provide the way.

Not only have people been praying for our support to come in but also for our personal needs.  You may remember that around this time two years ago Becky was using a wheel-chair due to the inflammation and pain in her hips as a result of Caleb’s birth. We didn’t know if she would fully recover, and the doctors said she’d likely never run again, and possibly not be able to have any more children. Well, guess what? You all know that Samuel was born in March of this year, and only a couple of evenings ago, Becky and I went for a jog! Yes, you read that right: a JOG! Becky can do a slow jog with me and not hurt during the run OR afterwards! Folks, this is amazing! We asked God to heal Becky, and we asked God to allow her to run again, and He’s answering our/your prayers! We are so thankful for your continual intercession on our behalf as we trust God and wait on Him.

So as we ready ourselves for the task, let us all keep focused: Christ’s NAME to the nations is our goal!

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