Thursday, September 08, 2011

Ready, Set, ...Wait!

So often, that's what it feels like in a culture where “time isn't money”. Here in Brazil, people are the equivalent to what this expression is stating. Time is what matters in our American in Brazil, and many other places in the world, it's not the time that matters but the relationships developed. Yes, we have prayed for a speedy resolution to all our times of waiting this last month. However, God is showing us that there are some cultural values that are quite Biblical here in Brazil that we Americans can learn from: people matter more. Great lesson to learn and live by, since God often uses our relationships with people to draw them into a relationship with Him.

Once we arrived in Brazil one month ago this week, we had to wait a lot...wait to find the right car, wait to find the correct apartment/house for language school, wait to get our bank account, debit cards, driver's licenses, etc. That's what we're doing right now...waiting for our licenses to be transferred to Brazil. Interesting fact: it currently costs a Brazilian $1500 to get a driver's license, along with much paperwork and hours of driving school; for a foreigner to transfer their license to Brazil it costs $300 and is much less of a headache, though it still takes days and days.

We've been in transition for a few years now, as you know. Unfortunately, a lot of transition is a normal part of the missionary life. Since we arrived in Anápolis, Brazil, we've been staying with Ben's parents while looking for a car and an apartment/house to rent for language school and completing lots of paperwork. We have also unpacked all of our luggage so we could repack what we will need for the next 6-9 months in language school in Campinas, Brazil. This has taken may hours of organizing and downsizing. We were able to find a good car that will fit our growing family and with the help of some Brazilian friends (remember it is all about relationships here) and lots of prayer, Ben signed a lease for an apartment near the language school for three months. In December, we will be able to move to a house, also close to the school, that will give us more space when the baby comes. We'll be down in Campinas probably until around May or June of 2012 for Becky to complete language school. The school, called Interclass, is well known and has an excellent reputation in Brazil. They are also very flexible and have told us Becky can decide how many hours per week she would like in class depending on the needs of our family. While Becky is studying, Ben's role will be to take care of the boys and find ways to get them out and exposed to Portuguese. After language school, we'll move back up to Anápolis where we'll find housing once again and begin our ministry here. Please keep us in your prayers with all these transitions.

We'd also ask you to pray for the boys, especially Caleb, in adjusting to life here. It has been difficult for him, but we think we're finally seeing some improvement. He is starting to pick up on some Portuguese words and is getting used to hearing Portuguese more often. We are thankful that there are two other missionary families with young children where we are staying right now. The kids all know Portuguese and have been an encouragement to Caleb that he also will one day understand everything that is going on. Every day we take the boys out to play at the park and Caleb learns new words as he interacts with some Brazilian friends he has made. We are still trying to decide whether or not to put Caleb in a Brazilian pre-school in Campinas for his development and growth here. One way or another, he will soon start swimming lessons: they will help get his energy out, make friends, and learn the language. Samuel is quite young still to comprehend the language barrier. We are trying to use more Portuguese with him at home so he will gradually learn to understand. He loves keeping up with Caleb and especially riding with him on their tricycle. Caleb sits in the front to pedal while Samuel rides on the back holding on for a wild ride!

As you keep our family in prayer during this time please also pray that the final 5% of our monthly support will come in. We trust God to provide for all our needs and know He will bring in all the support needed to live and minister here in Brazil. Thank you for your prayers and support. Please look on our blog for updated pictures and more information. We have our American phone connected at all times and you can call us anytime at our South Carolina number: 803-233-3608. Thank you again for lifting us up in prayer, we are so glad to have you as a part of our “ground crew”.

Ben, Becky, (Noah), Caleb, Samuel & Baby #4 Bacheller.
(803) 233-3608 Anápolis, GO Brazil
Skype/Twitter/Facebook: bbbacheller

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