Friday, December 08, 2006

Semester almost done!

Well, this semester is coming to a close. It hasn't been as stressful academically for me this semester. I think I've finally got into the "swing of things" with reading, papers, exams, etc. I've really come to enjoy my classes, the homework, and just the growth that comes from being in a biblically solid seminary. Both Becky and I have appreciated the friendships we've developed here so far and what God has taught us.

We're also looking forward to our trip to Brazil next year! We'll probably be heading to Brazil in mid-June, and the details of the trip are starting to come together, finally!

Would you pray that we would raise the prayer and financial support that we need for these six months we'll be spending there? Thanks sooo much! If you aren't on our newsletter list, but would like to be, let us know! Our email is

In Christ, Ben, for the family.

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