Saturday, October 08, 2011

Ready for school!

Caleb started school two weeks ago and has come to love it! He goes three mornings a weeks to a little pre-school that is all in Portuguese. The teachers have been great with him, using English words only when necessary. Caleb usually goes to school on Tuesday, when they have special extra classes in bodily expression (aerobics/dancing), Thursday (Music, instruments and library), and Friday (show and tell) .
Above photos: Caleb is ready for school! But of course, Samuel doesn't want to be left out! In Brazil, as in most other countries around the world except for the US, kids have to wear uniforms every day (I, Ben, did growing up here in Brazil). Below, Caleb is with two of his friends at the entrance to the school; the other photo is Caleb in his school room--very American, he's EARLY! :-)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos! :)
Alisa F.